
Tera Gold that growth this year could be the exception

  Kaiser said that growth this year could be the exception, for several years 3-5 per cent increase during the recession. Kaiser estimates in another Member State, two percentage points to growth this year, with the provisions of the law already in force, such as coverage for children under 26 years, and preventive services, such as mammography. New York, along with states like California, Connecticut and North Carolina, is the exercise of the muscle regulatory trying to tamp down some of the increases. Obama this month, channeled a total of $ 109 million, and many states, in part, to contribute to the fight against "unreasonable" increases.

  Increases in New York study would affect 1.3 million to 3 million people in individual plans and in small groups, the amounts vary considerably depending on the type of policy. The increases requested by Aetna, for example, range from 8.9 percent to 53.6 percent, while United Health Group / Oxford ranging from 13 to 34, according to the State Insurance Department. The State's power to reject the increase does not apply to wholesale rates employers Kaiser survey included company policy, large and small, covering about 60 percent of working age Americans with insurance. Employers, on average, pay most of the premiums and absorb some of the increase each year for the rest of the workers.

  An increase in premiums was surprising, because the poor economy, many people put off going to doctors, in order to deductibles and higher deductibles. Despite the decline in the use of medical services companies have tried to defend higher taxes - and their big profits - reasoning that the cost of a rebound when the economy recovered. Insurers also say that the use and price of health care services have continued to increase in the individual plans and small groups, in part because these policies are generally higher proportion of people with serious diseases. If a health law clear legal challenges, and comes into full effect in 2014, increasing competition makes it more difficult for companies to charge customers more, management said.

